Food Ingredients Asia 2016, paradise Discover

Food Ingredients Asia 2016, paradise Discover Raw Food

 Raw materials trade fairs food and drink Food ingredients (Fi) Asia 2016 was held back in Indonesia on 21 to 23 September 2016 in Kemayoran JIExpo

, This year, Fi Asia entering the 21st year serving the food and beverage industry in Asia and the world.
This event is a meeting point of thousands of sellers and buyers of raw materials of food and beverages as well as an arena to showcase the latest innovations and find a potential partner. Fi Asia in 2016, there will be an exhibition of food and raw materials conference to discuss the latest food trends.

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Rungphech Chitanuwat Business Director, UBM Asia (Thailand) Co. Ltd., said economic growth in Indonesia have an impact on the food and beverage industry, the demand of society, especially the middle class, showed significant improvement.
With a large population, over 250 million people, Indonesia is also a potential market. Fi Asia 2016 is the biggest time, said Rungphech, in

Wednesday (07/09/2016).
He said, so far there will be 700 participants in the Fi Asia. As for the visitors, predicted there are about 15,000 people who take advantage of this opportunity to get food ingredients.
This year, Fi Asia 2016 provides a number of programs to facilitate the participants and visitors identify the elements that are needed to grow the business. By Business Matching Service, Innovation Zone, Food Product Development Competition and Innovation Tour.

In addition, at Fi Asia 2016 also held more than 60 seminars from exhibitors that focus on food and beverage trends in Southeast Asia, as well as the international conference on Food Innovations - ASEAN Economic Community Challenges.
Director of South East Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (Seafest) Center, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Professor Dr Ir Nuri Andarwulan said, this international conference is the result of cooperation between the Association of Experts in Food Technology Indonesia (PATPI), Department of Food Science and Technology IPB, and Seafest Center.
In this conference, will be outlined developments in research and innovation in food science and technology, with a focus on innovative food research from Southeast Asia to the world. Including on issues, regulation, innovation raw materials, nutrition and health, and food safety and quality, explained Professor Dr Ir Nuri Andarwulan.


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